Yousuf Tekri


This mansion is located on the Old Bombay highway between Tolichowki and Rethibowli


Built by Syed Yousufuddin Mohammed during 1850’s who was the Subedar (revenue officer) of Gulbarga district appointed by H.H Mahbub Ali Khan (as Gulbarga was part of the Hyderabad state under Nizam rule).

This fortress-like mansion is built on a hillock and has three levels. The architecture style is predominantly Neo-Gothic Revival with French crenels and turrets decorated with piles of cannon balls made out of stone. The mansion has several courtyards on different levels in its compound. There are cannons placed on the upper most level. The mansion originally had an area of 290 acres which later was acquired by the Indian Government.

The family members of the Nawab Syed Yousufuddin live around the structure and look after the building and are restoring it independently. The building was originally a farmhouse on the outskirts of the city.

Existing Condition

The building is in a varied state of decay and is used for movie shoots.



  1. Khalidi, Omar. A Guide to Architecture in Hyderabad, Deccan, India



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