Panje Shah Vilayat


Panje Shah Vilayat is located on the Kali Kaman road between Kali Kaman and Yaqutpura road.


It is said that Abdullah Qutub Shah (1626–1672), requested the transfer of stone carvings of the impressions of the hands of Hazrat Ali and the feet of the Prophet to Hyderabad, with the cooperation of the Safivid Kings for the hand imprint from Iraq. It is said that the relics were received with a grand ceremony and Ashurkhanas constructed to house them. The Panje Shah Vilayat Ashurkhana houses the hand imprint (‘Panja’ means a hand imprint), and the other is housed at Ashurkhana Qadme Rasool.

The entrance to the Ashurkhana precinct is through an archway facing the road, opposite a Nakkarkhana. The central courtyard contains a water reservoir, carved from a single black stone in a hemispherical shape. There is also a black plate in the court yard of the Ashurkhana on which a couplet is engraved in Persian saying that those who visit here with true hearts, will have their wishes fulfilled.

Towards the west of the courtyard is a small masjid and an area for ablution. To the south, stairs from the courtyard lead to the modern extension of the original Ashurkhana. The original structure is enclosed with pointed arches in the Qutb Shahi style and the innermost sanctum is decorated with mirrorwork, flanked with two rooms now used for storage. The extension contains multifoil cusped arches.

In the outer compound of this Ashoorkhana there is a long chain of steel on which four tablets are attached. On these tablets are engraved some Quranic verses and some markings.


Existing Condition

The building is maintained and in constant use. The modern extension to the Ashurkhana and other changes have been made to the complex.


  1. Mir Mubbashir Ali Khan




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