Mushk Mahal


Located in a by lane off the Kishan Bagh Road near Pillar No 143 of the PVNR Expressway.


Built in the year 1681 during the reign of Abul Hasan Qutb Shah, this two-storeyed arched palace is the only one of the Qutub Shahi period to survive outside the Golconda Fort area. The magnificent symmetrical palace of 1681, built and named after Miyan Mishk (Mushk being the corrupted form), the Abyssinian slave who was the Keeper of the Royal Key, during the time of Abul Hasan Tana Shah, the last of the Qutub Shahi rulers. The first floor having stone corniced roof with projected brackets is in a slightly better shape, at least from outside, though the inside walls have been vandalized beyond recognition. The distinct central portion, taking the form of an octagonal drum, has lost its sheen but the upper portion still reflects the Qutub Shahi architecture.

Existing Condition

Wild shrubs not only surround the building but also grow on the monument marring its visage. The structure remains, but is in ruins. Plaster got peeled off from the walls baring the granite.



  1. Khalidi, Omar. A Guide to Architecture in Hyderabad, Deccan, India



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