The Kulsumpura Masjid is located near the Kulsumpura crossroads in the historic market area at Karwan, Hyderabad.
Ghulam Yazdani, Kulsumpura Masjid, 1920s.
Kulsumpura Masjid, 2023.
Kulsumpura Masjid, 2023.
The Kulsumpura Masjid is a Late Qutb Shahi era mosque, built during the reign of Abdullah Qutb Shah by his sister, Kulsum Begum, after whom the area is named Kulsumpura. The mosque is situated in a square compound which has an entrance on the east, and shops on southern and eastern side whose revenue supported the upkeep of the mosque.
The main gate of the mosque features the following inscription: “Allah Mohammed Ali” in Naskh style. The façade of the mosque features intricate carvings and unique brackets. The vaulted roofs in the interior of the mosque have intricate carvings and patterns.
A model of the Kulsumpura mosque can be found in the niche of the Toli Masjid.
Existing Condition
The external façade of the mosque shows signs of water damage and vegetation growth. The surrounding arcade has been occupied by modern shops, with extensive modern signage and modified facades.
Ghulam Yazdani, Kulsumpura Masjid, 1920s.
Bilgrami, Syed Ali Asgar. Landmarks of the Deccan, 1927.