Tandur Red Gram


Tandur is located in Vikarabad district and is of 115km from Hyderabad. The Tandur red gram is confined to the whole surrounding region that has its own unique geographical and climatic factors.


Tandur red gram is a local variety of pigeon pea that is primarily cultivated in the rainfed tract of Tandur and its surrounding region. The specific quality traits of Tandur red gram can be attributed to the fertile deep black soil with large deposits of Attapulgite clay mineral found in the Tandur region, as well as the extensive limestone deposits. It has a protein content of around 22-24%, which is nearly three times that of the protein content in cereals. It is known for its excellent taste, superior cooking quality, and enhanced storage properties.


Individual farmers and dal mill owners in Tandur will now have to register themselves as authorized users and begin branding Tandur red gram with the GI tag to secure better prices, as the tag is a guarantee of quality. Yalal Farmers Producers Company Limited filed the GI application on September 24, with the registration process facilitated by Prof. Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University.



  1.   eBook on Geographical Indications of Telangana



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