Dichpally Ramalayam


The Ramalayam of Dichpally is located 19km away from Nizamabad and 160km away from Hyderabad.


This ancient temple, dedicated to Lord Rama, is steeped in history and was originally constructed by the Kakatiya kings during the 14th century. The temple features a traditional architectural layout with a mandapa (hall) leading to the sanctum. Notably, the vimana (tower) of the sanctum is no longer present.

Dichpally Ramalayam is renowned for its exquisite stone architecture, characterized by the use of white and black Basalt stone. The temple showcases remarkable craftsmanship, evident in the intricate carvings of deities, animals, ornate pillars, and artistic beams on its outer walls. Visitors are often captivated by the depiction of scenes from the Kamasutra on the upper sides of these outer walls. Adjacent to the temple, there is a lake to the south with a broken mandapa (pavilion) in its center. 


The temple is perched on a small hillock within the village, accessible via approximately 100 steps. The entrance to the steps is adorned with a decorative gateway featuring rich Kakatiya-style architecture. Just before reaching the main shrine, there is a large stone fort-like entrance with a smaller entrance, harkening back to the temple’s historical association with a fort, hence the name Khilla Ramalayam.

Interestingly, the temple remained incomplete for many years, with idols being installed in the 1940s to make it a place of worship. Dichpally Ramalayam attracts a multitude of devotees, especially on the auspicious occasion of Sri Rama Navami, when thousands come to pay their respects to Lord Rama.

Existing Condition



  1. Nizamabad district website, Dichpally Ramalayam, https://nizamabad.telangana.gov.in/tourist-place/ramalayamdichpally/



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